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Giotto Object Creation#



1. How to create a Giotto Object#

In this tutorial, the methodology and syntax to create a giotto object is shown and osmFISH data is used throughout the tutorial.

1.1 Import Giotto and Download the Data#

To download this data, please ensure that wget is installed locally.


genv_exists = checkGiottoEnvironment()
  # The following command need only be run once to install the Giotto environment.

# Specify path from which data may be retrieved/stored
data_directory = paste0(getwd(),'/gobject_data/')
# alternatively, "/path/to/where/the/data/lives/"

# Specify path to which results may be saved
results_directory = paste0(getwd(),'/gobject_results/')
# alternatively, "/path/to/store/the/results/"

# Download osmFISH dataset to data_directory
getSpatialDataset(dataset = 'osmfish_SS_cortex', directory = data_directory, method = 'wget')

1.2 Minimum requirements for a Giotto Object#

  • Expression matrix

  • Spatial locations (unnecessary for scRNAseq analysis)

Here, creating a giotto object with the minimum requirements is shown in two examples. Data formatting guidelines are shown below this code block.

# Example 1.
# Create a Giotto object using data directly from file paths
osm_exprs = paste0(data_directory, "osmFISH_prep_expression.txt")
osm_locs = paste0(data_directory, "osmFISH_prep_cell_coordinates.txt")

minimum_gobject1 = createGiottoObject(expression = osm_exprs,
                                      spatial_locs = osm_locs)

# Example 2.
# Create a Giotto object using objects already loaded into workspace
expression_matrix = readExprMatrix(path = osm_exprs) # fast method to read expression matrix
cell_locations = data.table::fread(file = osm_locs)

minimum_gobject2 = createGiottoObject(expression = expression_matrix,
                                      spatial_locs = cell_locations)

Expression file formatting

Expression count matrices accepted by Giotto should have columns correlating to individual cells (cell IDs) and rows to individual features (feature IDs).
data.table objects and text-based files ie: (.csv, .tsv, .txt) to be read in should have column 1 be feature IDs.











matrix and DelayedMatrix objects should have feature IDs already incorporated as the rownames.







Locations file formatting

Numerical columns will be interpreted in order of x, y, and (optionally) z coordinate. The first non-numerical column will be taken as cell IDs








*Note: multiple expression files during can be given at once during Giotto object creation by using a named list.

# Arbitrary modifications
scaled_matrix = expression_matrix * 1.2
custom_matrix = expression_matrix * 0.5

# Provide multiple expression matrices at once to the Giotto Object
# If these matrices are stored in files rather than in the workspace,
# file paths may be provided instead of variables
multi_expr_gobject = createGiottoObject(expression = list(raw = expression_matrix,
                                                          scaled = scaled_matrix,
                                                          custom = custom_matrix),
                                        spatial_locs = cell_locations)

1.3 Customizing the Giotto Object#

By providing values to other createGiottoObject() parameters, it is possible to add:

Providing giottoInstructions allows the specification of:

  • An alternative python path if using the Giotto Environment (default) is not desired

  • A directory to which resulting plots will save

  • Plot formatting

createGiottoInstruction() is used to create the instructions that are provided to createGiottoObject(). The instructions() function can then be used to view, set, or modify one or more of these instructions after they have been added to a giotto object.

Here is an example of a more customized Giotto object.

# Specify data with file paths
osm_exprs = paste0(data_directory, "osmFISH_prep_expression.txt")
osm_locs = paste0(data_directory, "osmFISH_prep_cell_coordinates.txt")
meta_path = paste0(data_directory, "osmFISH_prep_cell_metadata.txt")

# Create instructions

# Optional: Specify a path to a Python executable within a conda or miniconda
# environment. If set to NULL (default), the Python executable within the previously
# installed Giotto environment will be used.
my_python_path = NULL # alternatively, "/local/python/path/python" if desired.

instrs = createGiottoInstructions(python_path = my_python_path,
                                  save_dir = results_directory,
                                  plot_format = 'png',
                                  dpi = 200,
                                  height = 9,
                                  width = 9)

# Create Giotto object
custom_gobject = createGiottoObject(expression = osm_exprs,
                                    spatial_locs = osm_locs,
                                    instructions = instrs)

# Add field annotations as cell metadata
metadata = data.table::fread(file = meta_path)
custom_gobject = addCellMetadata(custom_gobject, new_metadata = metadata,
                                 by_column = T, column_cell_ID = 'CellID')

# Show the Giotto instructions associated with the Giotto object

Note that although parameters show_plot, return_plot, and save_plot were not specified within the call to createGiottoInstructions(), default values were provided to these instruction parameters. All instruction parameters have default values, such that createGiottoInstructions() may be called with some or no arguments yet all instruction parameters will have a value after its execution.

Alternatively, a named list may also be provided to the instructions argument of createGiottoObject(). However, ensure that all arguments to `createGiottoInstructions() <../docs/reference/createGiottoInstructions.html>`__ are defined when providing instructions as a named list, since default values are only applied to instructions when made with createGiottoInstructions(). Note that ``python_path`` must be specified when providing instructions as a named list, and may not be provided as NULL.

The giottoInstructions may be changed, or completely replaced:

# Change a specific previously set parameter, e.g. change dpi = 200 to dpi = 300
instructions(custom_gobject, 'dpi') = 300

# Observe that the instructions have changed
instructions(custom_gobject, 'dpi')

# Create new instructions using a named list
sub_results_directory = paste0(results_directory, 'specific_results/')
my_python_path = instructions(custom_gobject, 'python_path')
new_instrs = list(python_path = my_python_path,
                  show_plot = TRUE,
                  return_plot = FALSE,
                  save_plot = TRUE,
                  save_dir = sub_results_directory,
                  plot_format = 'jpg',
                  dpi = 250,
                  units = 'in',
                  height = 12,
                  width = 12,
                  is_docker = FALSE)

# Change all instructions
instructions(custom_gobject) = new_instrs

# Observe that the instructions have changed
1.3.1 Active spatial unit and feature type#
Many of Giotto’s functions have spat_unit and feat_type parameters that govern which set of data to use. The active spatial unit and feature type is visible when directly returning the giotto object and decides what defaults are used when those parameters are not supplied.
This setting is also stored within giottoInstructions and there are convenient accessors specific for those two settings:
  • activeSpatUnit()

  • activeFeatType()

1.4 Plotting Data from a Giotto Object#

Each plotting function in Giotto has three important binary parameters:

  • show_plot: print the plot to the console, default is TRUE

  • return_plot: return the plot as an object, default is TRUE

  • save_plot: automatically save the plot, default is FALSE

These parameters are stored within a giotto object that was provided instructions from createGiottoInstructions() and are provided to plotting functions accordingly. To change these parameters from the default values, the instructions may be changed or replaced, or these parameters may be manually overwritten within plotting functions.

See `showSaveParameters() <../docs/reference/showSaveParameters.html>`__ and the Saving Options tutorial for alternative methods to save plots.

# Plot according to Giotto Instructions (default)

# Plot clusters, create, and save to a new subdirectory, all while overwriting formatting
         cell_color = 'ClusterName',
         save_plot = TRUE,
         return_plot = TRUE,
         show_plot = TRUE,
         save_param = list(save_folder = 'plots/', # Create subdirectory
                           save_name = 'cell_clusters',
                           save_format = 'png',
                           units = 'in',
                           base_height = 9,
                           base_width = 9))

For a more in-depth look at the giotto object structure, take a look at the introduction to giotto classes

2. Session Info#

R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur ... 10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] compiler_4.2.1  fastmap_1.1.1   cli_3.6.1       tools_4.2.1
 [5] htmltools_0.5.5 rstudioapi_0.14 yaml_2.3.7      rmarkdown_2.21
 [9] knitr_1.42      xfun_0.39       digest_0.6.31   jsonlite_1.8.4
[13] rlang_1.1.1     evaluate_0.21